I'll miss the Zebras and the Asses of course. As an intern, I became very attached to them and also their conservation message. The fox videos, I may not miss quite as much. All of the people I've worked with, who have been absolutely amazing, and the building where something always seemed to happen. I'll miss the lounge with the magical table that everyone puts communal food on. My favorite days where when I'd walk into the lounge to find donuts. I'll miss intern bowling.
The stingrays, also my babies. When I first came to the zoo, I never thought I'd get quite so attached to equids and fish. I'll miss the people I got to know in the Education department as well.
Goodbye, churro-and-fried-ice-cream stand. Goodbye, ugly kid sign. Goodbye, giant hill that I trekked up and down to get to and from the intern home base.
Speaking of giant hill, I'll actually miss my walk to the zoo. I'll miss Forest Park in general, really. It's pretty much the most amazing thing in St. Louis.
Goodbye fun zoo events, like Jammin' and Zooquest. Goodbye crazy dancing butterfly lady. I'll miss Sofiya, the amur leopard, and that crazy ostrich in the giraffe yard. Goodbye protesters, nobody took your pamphlets anyway.
I'll miss Dewey's pizza, and the Loop, and Central West End. I'll miss the crepes that one could purchase in Central West End. Goodbye Wash U, I never found the pool that you supposedly have.
I'll miss driving from Illinois at night, over the bridge, greeted by the lit up Arch and the lights of downtown. It's an amazing sight, and I'm glad I got to see it one last time last night.
Goodbye St. Louis...I never really knew how amazing you were until I lived here. Goodbye zoo, I love you.
Hello Florida....
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