Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nobody gives a Somali Wild Ass

It seems the only people enthusiastic about the Somali Wild Ass exhibit here at the zoo are the interns and the anthro class that observes them. While obviously the Grevy's Zebras are the more popular equid on property I can't help but reserve all of my affection for our population of dibokali (as they are known in their native range in Somalia.) I do believe that 1.5 hours daily of watching them helps in growing attached to them, but honestly, they're so cute. How could anyone not love them? The foals still have some of their baby qualities, playing and nipping at each other and curious about everything. The mares are the patient mothers knowingly watching over the herd's young...well...except when the hay is out. Then its every Ass for themselves. Whenever I'm near Red Rocks with people the little child in me comes out as I impatiently wait to go see the SWAs (and the takins across the path from them) and should nobody give them as much attention as I do, I fight the urge to stamp my foot and cross my arms and DEMAND that everyone give their full adoration to them. Well, maybe thats a bit exaggerated, but you get the idea.

The point is this: The Asses are lively, unique, cute creatures that once upon a time I would have walked right past before I got to know what they were like and how important it is to conserve them. Before I was an intern, maybe I would have laughed at the sign that said "Ass" but now saying it is just habit (After all, its "Assinus" not "Donkinus.") I think a lot of people are willing to rush by their exhibit out of embarrasment or the belief that they are your common farm donkey and they miss the important fact that this is a rare sight; even for research, the upbringing of foals of this sub-species is a new thing to see. Really, when you think about it, its amazing.

On another note; working at Walt Disney World my friends and I surmised that there are two kinds of leash kids: the dog backpack kids and the monkey backpack kids. The dog kids are the obediant ones, sticking close to mommy, following when told to come. The monkey kids are all over the place and you know that if it wasn't for the leash, they'd be off in a mad dash. The mothers usually look frazzled and tired. This observation has proven to be true also here at the zoo. Next they'll come out with gator leashes and those will be the bitey kids.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bowling for Rhinos and Spring in the Zoo

On May 14th the zoo will be hosting Bowling for Rhinos fundraiser at Tropicana Lanes in Clayton. Team registration is due May 5th, so hopefully we can get some teams of interns collected. If there is anything the zoo interns love, its bowling. Nothing has bonded us more than a couple of games of bowling. We had played around with the idea of starting our own bowling league, called "Zoobots", but this fell through. This is a great way to help the zoo, and I really hope a lot of people come out for the event. Interestingly enough, this past weekend is the first time I've gotten a good look at the rhinos here at the St. Louis Zoo. In fact, the animal I see most often in their yard is the groundhog that has burrowed its way in and makes frequent appearances out and about the exhibit. It's almost a lesson in surrealism; immersion offset by the realization you are still in the Midwest when a local critter is hanging out with the exotic wildlife. When the weather gets warmer I think I'll enjoy walking through Rivers Edge a little bit more. The Dwarf Mongooses are out (yes, mongooses. I checked) again; you can see them sunning themselves in their little yard in front of the Cheetahs. I wonder if sometimes the cheetahs curse fate for being so close to tasty little morsels and yet are so far away.

Over in Red Rocks the two infant Takins are the stars of the area. They are beyond ADORABLE.
The littlest one is constantly being bullyed by the older one, and they often tussle with each other. They run through their mother's legs and hop up and down the cliffs with such ease. Takins look like bears with hoofs but they are actually more closely related to goats than they are to cows (I have overheard several people make the mistake of assuming they are as such. I'd like to see a cow get up those rocks!)

Across from the Takins, the SWAs are growing up. The plan is to eventually divide the mothers/foals into two herds as they will be weened completely soon. It's weird to think of them as little adult asses...they'll always be infants to me.

Reading back over my posts, I've realized I have plenty of great pictures to post with them. Hopefully I can figure out how to post pictures at the bottom of posts and get some of those up!
EDIT: big brother Andrew helped me out with this :) thanks! 

Friday, April 3, 2009

Just Another Day

With the weather being so nice I've been walking to work every day. It's just under 4 miles round trip, so its a good walk. I've noticed some interesting patterns in my music I listen to as a I walk; it seems that it always starts out with JPOP from the apartment, down the sidewalk, and through the first light. At the first stretch of paved path in Forest Park and to the Skinker/Lagoon light, a Josh Pyke song. Today, it was "Memories and Dust" on the way to work and the same distance from the light coming back from the opposite direction it was "Beg Your Pardon". Down the sidewalk, past the golf courses, Morning Musume or Mini Moni up to the beginning of Art Hill. 3/4th of the way up the hill past the Art Museum, "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys. It's almost like clockwork. Of course, this doesn't happen everyday, but it does happen a lot. Maybe I don't have enough variety on my cheap little mp3 player, though it does have about 250 songs on it.

Walking through the zoo is another story. In Forest Park, I walk quickly, justifying this as exercise. Once I hit the zoo gates, I maneuver around families, school groups, strollers, and renegade "dog children" (you know, the kids on leashes) who are just looking to trip somebody by darting out in front of someone. 

Once I get in, then well...its either off to foxes, or on a Monday, equid study. Students in Dr. Fiona Marshall's anthro course "bones to behavior" have been coming daily in the morning to observe the Somali Wild Asses, getting a feel for what we interns do. On Mondays, the interns collect real data. It's interesting to compare the changes in behavior from last fall to now. The mothers are more aggressive with their foals and the foals are always looking to cause trouble. Their play has gotten more aggressive, a turning point from infancy to adolescence. From what I understand, a new male, Josea, will be put into the yard next to the SWAs where the foals father, Abaii, lived until he was sent to Florida. A new female will be coming in as well to (hopefully) breed with Tokar, the brother of the mares. This may mean we'll have two herds at the zoo. Currently, I believe the count for Somali Wild Asses in the United States is 27, and only three herds are at zoos. 

It's great being outdoors again after being cooped up in the lab all winter. Soon I'll be starting a job with the education department as an interpreter, a job I'll be doing over the summer until I transfer schools. My schedule will get significantly busier, but it'll all be rewarding in the end. 

On a sadder note, the zoo's Polar Bear, Hope, passed away on March 30th. She was 23.5 years old; on average, captive polar bears live to be 20-22. She had been brought into the hospital due to her decrease in appetite and activity and was found to have advanced liver cancer. It was inoperable at this point and thus the most humane method left was to euthanize her. I had seen her on the treatment table through the windows on the double doors leading into the room, and as the other interns and I marveled at her size (a polar bear takes up A LOT of space on a table) we had no idea what was going on. We knew it was serious, usually doing operations the interns are allowed to come in if okayed by the curator. That day, the vets, techs, and keepers were busy. We didn't know it at the time, but I wouldn't want to be in their shoes to make the decision on the best course of action for one of the zoos most beloved animals. Polar Bears have always had a special place in my heart and Hope was one of my favorite animals in the zoo to photograph. I know the vets and the keepers are mourning her loss. For an official statement from the zoo, check out www.stlzoo.org